Hydroproof Chemical

Fosroc Waterproffing Chemical is formulated to be mixed with cement on site or simply brush applied over concrete or masonry surfaces to provide an effective waterproof membrane.

All surfaces to be treated with Hydroproof must be thoroughly cleaned by a wire brush or other mechanical means, to remove all dust, laitence or debris. The surface must also be free from oil, grease, wax or any other form of foreign matter which might affect adhesion. Spalled and deeply disintegrated concrete or mortar must be removed to a sound substrate and repaired suitably before coating.

For best results, wet the surface before coating. Apply the mix with a short, stiff bristle brush like a paint to an approximate thickness of 1 to 2mm. During the first 12 hours of curing, Hydroproof surface must be protected from abrasion, rain or other adverse conditions. No traffic shall be allowed within 48 hours after application.

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